If l had one change in my life again
l wouldn't make no changes now or way back then and if everithing turns out the way l hope it goes but l can wait to find out what it is that god knows
but l don't wanna think about what's gonna come around for me l'll just take it day by day.couse it is the only way to be the best l can be
l never pretend to be something i'm not you get what you see what l've got we live in the real world exactly where l stand
and all can do is be true to myself l don't need permission from body else couse this is the real world.l'm not a little girl l know exactly who l am
and nothing 's perfect there's no guarantee and if knew the answers it would put my mind at ease so l'll just keep on going the way l've gone so far and mybe l'll end up tryin to catch a fallin star